Sunday 19 October 2008

Warmest and Coolest Coat Ever

I'm in love with my Hemp Hoodlamb (flash site). Its stunningly warm, but yet one doesn't overheat. The ladies' version is even a bit shapely, which is pretty amazing for a warm coat (see Michelin Man style coats favoured by those who get very cold and want to wear a duvet)

Inhabitat have a good review of the hoodlamb and some other stuff in the range with some nice pictures.

Really impressed with the quality of the hemp/acrylic fur which lines the coat (and is delicious when you put it on, its like being hugged by a bear). It hasn't matted in the two years I've had it.

I'm currently looking at a pair of earmuffs in their range. Although the hood on the hoodlamb is pretty fantastic. And check out the Ruderalis Hat too. I challenge any head to get cold with that on.

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