Sunday, 19 October 2008

Warmest and Coolest Coat Ever

I'm in love with my Hemp Hoodlamb (flash site). Its stunningly warm, but yet one doesn't overheat. The ladies' version is even a bit shapely, which is pretty amazing for a warm coat (see Michelin Man style coats favoured by those who get very cold and want to wear a duvet)

Inhabitat have a good review of the hoodlamb and some other stuff in the range with some nice pictures.

Really impressed with the quality of the hemp/acrylic fur which lines the coat (and is delicious when you put it on, its like being hugged by a bear). It hasn't matted in the two years I've had it.

I'm currently looking at a pair of earmuffs in their range. Although the hood on the hoodlamb is pretty fantastic. And check out the Ruderalis Hat too. I challenge any head to get cold with that on.

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